In a secret room in a secret place is a terminal that North Korea's leader Kim Jong-il secretly plays World of WarCraft. So secret because everyone knows all Koreans are suppost to be playing StarCraft or Aion. But, 11/20 Aion issued a warning that the game stopped keeping track of level progress and was working on the problem, so Kim went grinding to level 80 on his new death knight, then the unthinkable....someone ninja looted from a 40 man raid, "Nooooooooooooooooooo!" he screamed. Americans must die!!!! He ran around in a paniced frenzy pushing ever red button he could find yelling, "F*** U ninja looter in California! I'll NUKE your happy a**!" In an unforturnate series of events, he pushes the wrong button and starts an artillery strike on South Korea. Kim cannot appolgise because no one must find out a level 80 gnome yelling, "Sweet cheaks!" ninja looted a purple epic one-hand weapon.
It's a very confusing place out there. Please stay safe and be nice to people when you play. Aion servers are promising a fix shortly and everything will be back to normal.