What did they change in Supreme Commander2 from 1?
as far as i know they made it 100% more unstable and less fun. doubt it would run any better though.
Supreme Commander 2 functions more akin to Starcraft with larger unit counts than Supreme Commander 1. It runs on more machines, due to heavily reduce graphics, and overall lost a lot of it's personality. I still prefer SupCom: Forged Alliance.
You're going to read a lot on the internet and here, on this forum, in the next couple days, about how SUPCOM2 was such an utter disappointment. The best way to sum up all of these sentiments is that SUPCOM 2 takes a step back in so many areas that it actually feels like it came before SUPCOM1.
It is a solid game in it's own right; a mediocre but decent six out of ten (average) if it is considered as though SUPCOM1 never existed. But the game simply doesn't put the effort into innovation that SUPCOM1 or Total Ann. put into the genre. It does nothing interesting but instead tries to play it safe.
Play the game and make up your own mind. Many good supcom/FA players will tell you supcom 2 is a better strategy game (due to there being more than a handful of tactics) but I preferred most aspects of FA.
they changed virtually everything about the game (though have recently patched in build queuing without paying) and my biggest gripes were the loss of deficit spending, loss of unit numbers, the upgrade system, lower fidelity (especially terrain textures), nerf to unit ranges, change of scale, and the fact that when you zoomed all the way out the camera would re-set your viewing angle (i played FA at 45 degrees).
But it is still a decent game in its own right, i just couldnt find too many reasons to play it, compared to FA or starcraft.
I like both games but supcom2 is a more of a tactical game than supcom and FA which seemed more strategic to me, it is still fun and mostly balanced my advice is download the demo and give it a few goes before you buy its a little different so try and keep an open mind when you play it and then decide if you like it.
Go for SupCom FA or even Total Annihilation
How's the campaign in Supcom 2? I already finished the campaigns in FA, I tend toward single player, and Supcom 2 is starting to run around $10 now. Is it worth buying just to get some fresh new campaign?
The campaign is as much boring as all other supcom singleplayer gaming was before.
GPGNet holded the multiplayer supcom1/FA alive with its chatroom, good 1v1 ladder but supcom2 with steam and steam ladders is crap (was crap from start on), doesnt offer random 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 multiplayer automatch
the game has some really good innovations (not so frumpy like Starcraft2), but GPG messed up a good game again
I got SupCom 2 without having played SupCom 1. I enjoyed the campaign, but did not do much beyond that. It was still around 35 hours of game play and I would recommend the game.
I do own SupCom 1... I decided, after reading all the pissing and moaning, that playing them in reverse order would give me the best chance to enjoy both titles.
At around $10 for campaign only, I'd say pick it up. The campaign isn't exactly great, but you can easily get $10 worth of fun out of it.
The DLC for SC2 does add a bit of what was missing from SC2 - namely, meaty experimentals and larger maps, and the patches also helped.
Still, SC1 & FA had a lot of innovative ideas - and they worked. Just watch some of the high-level replays... good stuff.
I liked nr 2 better than nr 1. Nr 1 was too strategical for me. Nr 2, as has been said above, is more tactical (that is, compared to the original, not to other games).
I also think the campaign in nr 2 was more fun to play, but it did feel less impressive (due to the smaller scale).
They changed far too much stuff for me to list here. They're as different from one another as the original SC was to TA, it's just they decided not to change the name this time around. Overall, though, while I think SC:FA is the better game overall, SC2 is still pretty good, even great if you manage to forget it's named "Supreme Commander". Much better than that other game whose name is also shortened to SC2, at least
The SP campaign is dissapointing in terms of both storytelling and gameplay, particularly compared to SC:FA, but the AI is pretty good and the quick pace of the game (yes, a fast-paced SupCom! told ya it's changed) makes regular skirmishes pretty fun, much better than they were in its predecessor so even if you don't like going online, I think it's a pretty good investment.
Long and Short is: SupCom 2 is smaller-scaled, with a few trades (or even short-changes) on key elements.
Tech upgrading of factories has been exchanged for a separate tech tree system (which some like, some do not) with its own resource (Research). This element makes me think of Earth 2160.
Resources are listed as-is. Resourcing is no longer primarily defined by 'income' vs 'expenditure'. Mainly just 'reserves' and 'income'. This is the biggest cause of complaints about this game. If it wasn't for this particular change, the tech tree probably would have been tolerated by those who found issue with it.
Factories now get 'add-ons' instead of the tech upgrading. Factories can become mini-fortresses with shields, missile launchers, flak guns, sensors, and even torpedoes for the naval factories. This is perhaps one of the features that nobody likely complains about. Except for the fact that it is partially related to the tech tree system since factories no longer 'tech up'...
Overall scale has been drastically reduced. Weapon ranges have been lowered. Classic maps have been scaled down considerably (Seton's Clutch is TINY!). This reduced scale makes space a big issue, as a team may have to compete amongst themselves over the space available for building their infrastructure.
Really, if it wasn't for the big change in how the economy was managed, I'd probably be okay with SupCom 2. But all of it just makes the game a bit too generic to me... to the point that I'd rather play a StarCraft game if I was ever in the mood for something like SupCom 2.
I picked it up today, as steam is selling it for under $4. I'd say it's easily worth that, despite the complaints.