How come these freak-o-zoids are ruining my games? What's with the fat cartoon look? Call it what you want.
WoW - ROTLK has cartoon wolves, fat dumb baby faced 15 foot tall yetti, and other stupid, out of preportion junk.
Torchlight release a dungeon crawler looking like it's made for 7 year olds with comic outbursts.
Settlers 7 went cutesie also.
Elemental just did this too. Avatars and monsters look like dolls, or plastic toys you get @ McDonald's. Why, why, why, why, why, why? Next we are getting circle, triangle, square puzzles, and hanging sing-a-long moblies? Why?
When the evil marking people wanted more girls to play and we got yelling chicks with swords, it's weird, but...ok whatever. Now we get 3 yr olds? omfg? Is this the Chinese? Is this Korean? Where is this baby-fantasy look coming from? Target the nuke and drop it now. This is a HUGE turn off. I can't put that in CAPS large enough. Just stop now. I just puked in my mouth.